The Cage

Miao Jiaxin Studio, Bushwick, NY. August - December 2104. I was the Jail Manager in the Cage performance by Miao Jiaxin.

The cage project was launched first on Airbnb (banned), then Facebook.

It provided accommodation, at US$1 per night, to participants in exchange for a 3-hour commitment per day. During these 3 hours (always from 9am to 12pm EST), they locked themselves in the cage without any electronic devices, books, pens, instruments or craftwork. They couldn’t exercise or sleep. Participants were also required to fill in an intake form and provide a photo for documentation. The form asked them what were their reasons for choosing the Cage and their biggest apprehension in participating in the project, among other things.

The project lasted 110 days, hosted 42 guests who in total paid USD$85. The Cage was streamed live 24/7, receiving more than 25,000 clicks/visitors.


A Park of One's Own


P.S. I Love You